Statin drugs damage health at foundational levels — mitochondria, muscles and nerves — which can lead to more than 300 health problems.
Research curation on statin harms, plus research showing that 1) lowering cholesterol does not improve heart health, and 2) statins do not lower all-cause death rates.
Statins include Altoprev, Atorvaliq, Atorvastin, Crestor, FlorLipid, Fluvastatin, Lescol, Lipitor, Livalo, Lovastatin, Mevacor, Nikita, Pitavastatin, Pravastatin, Rosuvastatin, Zocor, and Zypitamag. [source and source]
Key Points
Evidence of Harm
Context: See how this subject fits in the bigger picture, and get links to related topics
Lancet Study “Confirms What We’ve Known About Statins for 15 Years”
Statins, the widely prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs, while undeniably effective in lowering cholesterol, do little to reduce heart disease risk and cause significant side effects… A 2024 Lancet study confirms that statins increase diabetes risk, with high-intensity statins raising the risk by 36%. This validates concerns first raised by the 2008 JUPITER trial… Statins can cause serious adverse effects, even beyond diabetes. The most common and well-documented adverse event is muscle-related symptoms, ranging from mild myopathy to severe rhabdomyolysis. These muscular issues are thought to stem from mitochondrial dysfunction and alterations in muscle protein metabolism… Statins may also increase risks of cancer, cataracts and neurological issues. Long-term use is associated with higher pancreatic cancer risk, particularly after five years of use. – Dr. Joseph Mercola
No Benefit
Most people taking statins get no benefit. – Dr. Aseem Malhotra, cardiologist
Key Points
“Statins are prescription drugs… to lower cholesterol.” [source]
Establishment medicine has vehemently advocated for the lowering of cholesterol to improve heart health. Lowering cholesterol as a strategy to improve heart health has been overwhelmingly disproven.
Statin drugs damage health at foundational levels — mitochondria, muscles and nerves — which can lead to more than 300 health problems. [source and source and source and source]
In a review of 26 randomized trials, statins did not lower all-cause death rates. See Figure 5 below which combines 21 trials that used a true control and 5 trials that compared quantities of the drug. In the control and lower drug group 2.3% of the people died. In the higher statin group, 2.1% of the people died, an insignificant difference.
Evidence of Harm
Statins Commonly Prescribed While Providing No Significant Benefit and Causing Harm — “Statins are the most commonly prescribed pharmaceutical drugs in the world. 98.2 out of 100 high-risk people will not see any heart health benefits from statin drugs. The 1.8 remaining individuals who do see benefits will only live about 6 months longer on average versus those who didn’t take statin drugs. Research demonstrates that statin drugs may damage your mitochondrial function. Side effects include headaches, sleep issues, skin issues, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, low platelet levels, and high blood sugar levels.”
“Consumer Alert: 300+ Health Problems Linked to Statin Drugs” — Statin drugs damage health at foundational levels — mitochondria, muscles and nerves — which can lead to more than 300 health problems. [source and source and source and source] In a review of 26 randomized trials, statins did not lower all-cause death rates.
Adverse Events include Muscle-Related Issues and Statins Increase Risk of Diabetes, Cancer, Cataracts, Neurological Issues, Pancreatic Cancer — “Statins, the widely prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs, while undeniably effective in lowering cholesterol, do little to reduce heart disease risk and cause significant side effects… A 2024 Lancet study confirms that statins increase diabetes risk… This validates concerns first raised by the 2008 JUPITER trial… Statins can cause serious adverse effects, even beyond diabetes. The most common and well-documented adverse event is muscle-related symptoms, ranging from mild myopathy to severe rhabdomyolysis. These muscular issues are thought to stem from mitochondrial dysfunction and alterations in muscle protein metabolism… Statins may also increase risks of cancer, cataracts and neurological issues. Long-term use is associated with higher pancreatic cancer risk, particularly after five years of use.”
In a Review of 26 Randomized Trials, Statins Didn’t Prevent Death from Heart Disease (But Have Many Health Damaging Effects) — “A 2017 meta-analysis published in Lancet looked at 26 randomized trials… The mortality rates went from 2.3 to 2.1 percent for every 39 mg/dL resulting in only a 0.2 percent absolute risk reduction. Looking at vascular-related death, statin drugs only decreased death from 1.3 to 1.2 percent.” See also: A Better Way to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease without Lowering Cholesterol by Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Cardiologist
Statins Don’t Lower Death Rates from Heart Disease
There is no convincing evidence that statins have lowered death rates from heart disease on a population level. Furthermore, there is no consistent correlation between lowering LDL cholesterol and reduction in heart attacks. – Dr. Aseem Malhotra, cardiologist
Lowering Cholesterol with Statins Doesn’t Prevent Heart Attacks or Strokes
The myth that lowering cholesterol with statins prevents heart attacks and strokes is still widespread in modern medicine. This is in spite of the fact that there has never been a consistent relationship between lowering LDL (so called “bad” cholesterol), heart attack, stroke, and death. The “lower the better” mantra often parroted by the “experts” is just not tenable or evidence based. – The Expose
“The Benefits of These Highly Toxic Drugs are Miniscule and the Harms are Vast”
The primary approach to treating heart disease is to prescribe cholesterol lowering statin drugs (to the point, over a trillion dollars have now been spent on them). Unfortunately, the benefits of these highly toxic drugs are minuscule (e.g., at best taking them for years extends your life by a few days) and the harms are vast (statins are one of the most common pharmaceuticals that severely injure patients)… Existing studies find between a 5-30% rate of injuries, and Dr. Malhotra, having gone through all the existing evidence estimates that 20% of statin users are injured by them. – A Midwestern Doctor
“The misery from the side effects and the need for other drugs to deal with the side effects is totally unacceptable”
It never ceases to amaze me how often I have come across the quacks in medicine, some at the highest levels, who are involved in tactics to convince patients that a drug is good for them when they know it’s not. Statins are a good example; they may save one life in a thousand patients taking them ( a great source of income for the drug company) but the misery from the side effects and the need for other drugs to deal with the side effects is totally unacceptable. – Dr. Ian Brighthope
Review of 21 Trials Involving 143,000 People: Statins Don’t Prevent Death, Heart Attack or Stroke
We carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis of 21 statin trials involving 143,532 participants, and found no consistent relationship between lowering LDL-C with statins and death, heart attack or stroke. – Maryanne Demasi PhD
Statins Harm Cells and Heart Functioning
The review, published in Clinical Pharmacology, suggests statins may act as “mitochondrial toxins,” impairing muscle function in the heart and blood vessels by depleting coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), an antioxidant cells use for growth and maintenance… “We believe that many years of statin drug therapy result in the gradual accumulation of mitochondrial DNA damage,” according to the authors. A 2022 study published in Biophysical Journal linked reduced ATP to heart failure. A 2008 study published in BioFactors reaffirms the statin–CoQ10 link… The researchers conclude statin side effects, including statin cardiomyopathy, “are far more common than previously published and are reversible with the combination of statin discontinuation and supplemental CoQ10.”– The Epoch Times
Serious Issues (Including Myopathy & Peripheral Neuropathy) Result from CoQ10 Depletion from Statins
CoQ10 deficiency caused by statins is generally considered the most common cause of their side effects. This is really sad because those side effects could have been prevented if CoQ10 had been given with the statin… Two of the most common consequences of statins CoQ10 depletion are myopathy (muscle pain, tiredness, weakness, and cramps) and peripheral neuropathy (numbness, tingling, or burning sensations, particularly in hands and feet). Although myopathy is the most commonly reported side effect of statin usage, much of it (e.g., myositis) goes undetected… In many cases, this condition is permanent (one expert in statin injury found it was permanent for 68% of her patients, while Graveline found it was for 25% of his). Sadly, in some cases, like statin neuropathies, the myopathies will continue to progress even if the statin is stopped. One of the sadder things about statins is how aggressively they are pushed on diabetics (under the logic that since diabetics have an increased risk of heart disease, it is critical they take a statin to prevent them from having a heart attack). To highlight the absurdity of this, statins are well known to significantly increase your risk of diabetes (multiple studies have found this), which I suspect is again due to them impairing mitochondrial function. Similarly, peripheral neuropathy is a condition diabetics are well known to be at a high risk of. In one study, it was found that the risk of neuropathy (i.e., burning pain with tingling or numbness of the extremities) was increased by 14 to 26 times (depending on the type) for long-term users of statins. Furthermore, other nerve issues, such as neurodegeneration, can be caused by statins. – The Great Cholesterol Scam
Statins Increase Insulin Resistance, the Precursor to Diabetes
If you’re on statins, you need to know about a new systematic review, published in Cureus. The review confirms that statins reduce insulin sensitivity and increase insulin resistance, precursors to type 2 diabetes, regardless of the type of statin used. The analysis confirms well-established science about the link between statins and insulin resistance. – Alliance for Natural Health
Statins Damage Health at a Foundational Level (Mitrochondria) that is Critical for Overall Health & Functioning
One of the main problems with statin drugs is that they may damage your mitochondrial function… Your mitochondrial health is critical for your overall function and well-being. Mitochondrial dysfunction can cause problems throughout your body… Your mitochondria generate about 90 percent of cellular energy in your body [and] play a role in major metabolic functions. Mitochondria are found in varying concentrations in different tissues in your body and are specialized for the purpose of that tissue. – Dr. David Jockers
Statins Damage the Muscles and Nerves in the Body; A Vast Proportion of the Body is Comprised of Muscles and Nerve Systems & the Heart is a Muscle
Fundamentally, statin drugs damage the muscles and nerves in the body… There are well over 100 studies demonstrating the myotoxic, or muscle-harming effects of these drugs, and over 80 demonstrating the effects of nerve damage, as well. When you consider that a vast proportion of our body is comprised of muscles and coordinating nerve systems, this drug has the potential to cause damage to the entire body, and undoubtedly does so universally, differing only in the matter of degree — the damage occurring acutely in those at the tip of the iceberg, asymptomatically in the majority of others at the base. Moreover, statin myotoxicity is not exclusive to skeletal muscle. If you consider that the heart is also a muscle, an obvious red flag should go up… A 2009 study in the Journal of Clinical Cardiology showed that statin drugs, despite billions of advertising/marketing dollars to the contrary, actually weaken the heart muscle. – Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo
Corruption Led to Overmedication of Millions of People
A group of doctors has attacked the [2016] Lancet study. A group of medics led by cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra criticised the way the Lancet research was carried out. They said some of the data behind the trials had not been published, while some claims about the impact of the drugs on cholesterol were based on forecasts. Lead author Dr Malhotra said “Decades of misinformation on cholesterol and the gross exaggeration of statin benefits with downplaying of side effects has likely led to the overmedication of millions of people across the world.. The lack of transparency in the prescription of statins is just one symptom of a broken system of healthcare where finance based medicine has trumped independent evidence and what is most important for patients.” His views were backed by Harvard statin expert Dr John Abramson, Sir Richard Thompson, former president of the Royal College of Physicians, and Professor Sherif Sultan, president of the International Society for Vascular Surgery. – The Telegraph
A Collaboration of Statin Advocates Admitted that 29% of Statin Users Likely to Experience Side Effects
One of the most remarkable facts that Dr. Aseem Malhotra British cardiology shared [in this interview] was that the previously mentioned statin collaboration (which militantly insists less than 1% of statin users experience side effects) also created a test one could utilize to determine if one was genetically at risk for a statin injury—and in their marketing for the test said 29% of all statin users were likely to experience side effects (which they then removed once attention was brought to it). – A Midwestern Doctor
One Part of Informed Consent Requires Doctors to Stop Using the Pharma-Friendly Propaganda of “Relative Risk Reduction” and Instead Give the Absolute Risk Reduction
My approach to this isn’t about recommending statins or not recommending statins. It’s about being an advocate for true informed consent… So me being an advocate for that has made me very controversial. But what does it mean? It means giving patients information in a way they can understand… So if you look at statins, for example, in someone like Tony Royle’s case, who’s had a heart attack or is at high risk of another one, when you break the data down from drug industry sponsored studies, which we have to take with a pinch of salt, but let’s just say for argument’s sake, it’s true, right? The benefit of a statin over a five-year period based upon their trial data shows that there’s a one in 39 chance it will prevent you having a further heart attack, and one in 83 chance it will delay your death or save your life. Patients are not told that. For Tony, that information was made available. He understood it. He did not fancy those odds, but also felt that he was empowered with an alternative through lifestyle that was going to help him… Many patients, when they’re given that information, also think the same as Tony. But it isn’t standard practice for doctors to communicate that information because we are not conditioned or trained to communicate information in that way, despite the fact that we should follow the best principles of ethical evidence-based medical practice. What normally happens is doctors are conditioned to tell patients about benefits of drugs using something called relative risk reduction, which may be, in somebody like Tony Royle’s case, 30 percent less likely to have another heart attack if you take a statin. But when you translate that information into the absolute risk reduction, it’s only a small percentage, 2.5 percent, for example. – Epoch TV, Dr. Aseem Malhotra on What Doctors Don’t Tell You
16-min – Dr. Christiane Northrup MD, “Safe” Drugs I Won’t Take
Context, Organized Curation
This article is a subset of a vast resource curation on the failure and corruption of establishment medicine. See here for the entire collation, or select links below to focus on an individual subject.
The subject matter above is an excerpt from Cause of Harm. Statins are one of the types of drugs covered there.
Failed Health Outcomes — The U.S. spends nearly twice the per-capita amount on healthcare than the next highest spender, yet Americans are the most chronically ill, and rank 48th in life expectancy, among other countries. In addition, medical misdiagnosis causes permanent harm and death to 795,000 people every year.
Verifiably Corrupt — Establishment medicine as a system* is verifiably corrupt, and structured to serve the interests of industry — not health. (*Obviously, not every individual working in establishment medicine is unethical. Rather, the system that educated / indoctrinated them, and that sets policy, hires, pays, and promotes them is verifiably corrupted.)
Not Evidence/Science-Based — The bulk of establishment medicine’s standard of care is not based on unbiased, reproducible science. (We prove it here.)
Regulatory & Professional Betrayal — Government agencies entrusted to regulate the field of medicine fail to do so. The majority of influential professional organizations such as the American Medical Association are corrupted by industry.
Cause of Harm: Evidence by Drug, Treatment, and Test — Establishment medicine providers routinely utilize diagnostic testing and “treatments” that have harmful (“adverse”, “side”) effects, some of which have a high risk of severe consequences. Get verifiable evidence of the harms, organized by drug, treatment, or test (mammograms, CT scans, antibiotics, statins, benzos, etc).
Drug & Vaccine Harms: Organized by Illness or Symptom — Review an illness or symptom of interest, and quickly identify drugs and vaccines that may have caused it (e.g. depression, infertility, kidney issues, nervous system disorder, seizure, etc).
Failed Strategies; Suppressing Symptoms vs. Resolving Cause — The philosophies and strategies used by establishment medicine are dysfunctional and irrational, including a focus on suppressing symptoms rather than understanding them. Providers do not seek to identify and resolve root causes of illness. Diagnosis is simply an exercise in naming groupings of symptoms, disconnected from their purpose and message.
Stifling Treatments That Don’t Enrich Industry — Healing modalities that don’t benefit industry are underutilized, suppressed, and disparaged. Providers who are perceived as a threat to establishment dictates or lucrative markets are condemned, intimidated and attacked.
Suppressed Cancer Treatments — Cancer treatments that don’t benefit establishment medicine are ignored and disparaged. This curation of more than 150 clinical studies and testimonials provides quick access to documented cancer reversal and recovery successes.
The Significance of Legal Precedent — Legal precedent, breach of duty, and “standard of care” are significant factors in the state of the medical industry.
Alternatives & Considerations — Alternatives, considerations, and what you can do.