Farcical, Fraudulent Use of PCR Testing for Diagnosis, Case Counts & Projections
PCR had a 97% false-positive rate. "With PCR… you can find almost anything in anybody," said Nobel-Prize-Winning PCR Inventor.
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Key Points
When used to detect SARS-CoV-2, PCR had a 97% false-positive rate (as reported in peer-reviewed research published in November 2020). [source]
The PCR “does not detect a virus, an infection, or an unwell person.” [source]
The PCR process is a world-class manufacturing tool for amplifying genetic material enough to see it. But that has nothing to do with clinical diagnosis of an illness. As Nobel-Prize-winning PCR inventor, Kary Mullis, noted, “It doesn’t tell you that you are sick… With PCR… you can find almost anything in anybody.” [source]
A Farce: PCR Testing Had a 97% False-Positive Rate in Peer Reviewed Research
If someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the case in most laboratories in Europe & the US), the probability that said person is actually infected is less than 3%, the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%. — Pieter Borger et al, ResearchGate link and link
PCR is a Manufacturing Tool for Amplifying Genetic Material Enough to See It; “It Does Not Detect a Virus, an Infection, or an Unwell Person” – Dr. Sam Bailey
PCR is short for Polymerase Chain Reaction. In essence it is a manufacturing tool that was invented by the late Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize for his discovery. Some molecules can be readily detected in biological samples… However, genetic material such as DNA and RNA are typically present in such minute amounts that we cannot detect their presence with typical tests. It would be like trying to see a bacterial cell with our naked eye – we simply cannot do it and need to magnify the cell hundreds of times with a light microscope. So to be able to detect genetic material we need to massively amplify it, not just hundreds of times, but sometimes billions of times. And this is where the PCR comes in handy. The PCR can amplify a selected sequence (a “piece”) of DNA, over and over again… until it reaches quantities that we are able to detect. Each cycle doubles the amount of DNA and depending on the application, the process may be run up to about 40 cycles. The number of cycles at which the test becomes ‘positive’ (meaning the target DNA is detected) is called the ‘cycle threshold’ – a low cycle threshold, e.g. 20, implies there is much more of the DNA present in the sample than say a high threshold, e.g. 30. Cycle numbers above 35 can be problematic because at that amount of amplification it suggests that there is a single piece of target DNA in the sample… The PCR does not detect a virus, an infection, or an unwell person – it only detects genetic fragments. Kary Mullis was at pains to explain to people that the biggest problem with the PCR was not the process itself but the interpretation of the result… We know around the world it is typically 40 cycles but as has been mentioned, anything over 35 is often invalid. Some doctors have suggested that 30 cycles should be the upper limit for “COVID-19” cases. Because of the points raised I don’t believe that it is valid at any cycle threshold. However, those that promote the ‘test’ need to agree on some parameters.” – Dr. Sam Bailey
$100 Billion of Taxpayer Money Laundered into Hospitals Using PCR
In March 2020, the U.S. Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act... $100 billion was earmarked for hospitals and local health centers that treated Covid patients. Hospitals were reimbursed an extra 20% for each Medicare patient hospitalized with Covid, and the only criteria to receive that bonus was a Covid-positive PCR test... Throughout 2020, evidence mounted showing the PCR test is incredibly unreliable above 35 cycles, and health agencies instructed labs to use 40 to 45 cycles. In essence, we had an epidemic of false positives, and financial incentives... - Dr. Joseph Mercola
“I’m Sceptical that a PCR Test is Ever True. It’s a Great Scientific Research Tool. It’s a Horrible Tool for Clinical Medicine.” – David Rasnick PhD, Bio-chemist
In the US, we have all but abandoned classical diagnostic medicine in favor of biotech, or lab result medicine… This is a dangerous turning. The ‘Corona test’ is… a needle in a DNA haystack test… It finds fragments, nucleic acids. From an email from Kary Mullis, to the widow of boxer Tommy Morrison, whose career and life were destroyed by an ‘HIV test’, and who litigated ferociously for years, against test manufacturers, Dr. Mullis wrote, on May 7, 2013: ‘PCR detects a very small segment of the nucleic acid which is part of a virus itself. The specific fragment detected is determined by the somewhat arbitrary choice of DNA primers used which become the ends of the amplified fragment.’ If things were done right, “infection” would be a far cry from a positive PCR test. ‘You have to have a whopping amount of any organism to cause symptoms. Huge amounts of it,’ Dr. David Rasnick, bio-chemist, protease developer, and former founder of an EM lab called Viral Forensics told me. ‘You don’t start with testing; you start with listening to the lungs. I’m skeptical that a PCR test is ever true. It’s a great scientific research tool. It’s a horrible tool for clinical medicine…’ I asked Dr. Rasnick what advice he has for people who want to be tested for Covid-19. ‘Don’t do it, I say, when people ask me,’ he replies. ‘No healthy person should be tested. It means nothing but it can destroy your life, make you absolutely miserable’. – Apr 7, 2020
It was Always About the PCR Test… The Test Transformed a Healthy Person (Asymptomatic) into a Sick Person (a “Case”)
The test is the key to it all. Without a test, there’s no pandemic. No test means no cases, and no cases mean no pandemic. It was always about the PCR test. It served as the primary prop in the illusion. The test transformed a healthy person (asymptomatic) into a sick person (a ‘case’). - Lies are Unbekoming
References by Date
Feb 19, 2025 — Preventing the H5N1 False Positive Pandemic: The Urgent Need for Negative Controls, ΔΔCt, and Scientific Integrity NOT ARBITRARILY HIGH CYCLE THRESHOLD CUT-OFFS in RT-PCR Testing: We have seen this before, it was called Covid-19 and the last time it led to lockdowns and millions of deaths of untreated bacterial pneumonia. We can stop this pandemic of false positives of H5N1. — James Lyons-Weiler PhD link
Feb 8, 2025 — The PCR Disaster: On the genesis and evolution of the "Drosten test" By Illa — Lies are Unbekoming link
Feb 8, 2025 — The Magic of Enzymes: PCR Reagents Breakdown Part 1; "They are putting French Pressed bacteria in ALL PCR assays... This poses quite a problem when they use PCR for detecting bacteria, which they are more and more frequently doing... They claim it is 'purified'... but when they verify this using EXACTLY the same methods of Gel Electrophoresis... you start to see the wholesale quackery..." — Jamie Andrews link
Jan 31, 2025 — Is Virology a Red Herring? And why the PCR/Genetics is the real fraud we should be worried about.; "PCR and Genetic Diagnostics is being set up as the one stop shop for a treadmill of Pharmaceutical dominance leading the field in never ending customers and sickness for profit... The PCR is the fraud for creating any kind of health scare they want, it doesn’t matter; bacterial here, parasitic there... By accepting that the PCR works AT ALL in detecting what it claims to detect, i.e short pieces of identifying genetic material of an intended target, you are burgeoning the Establishments GREATEST weapon in the Allopathic Medicine Murder Model. It should be the PRIMARY focus of ANYONE who was Against Lockdowns/ Vaccines/Masking and Vaccine Passports and all of the atrocities that happened in 2020. The PCR WAS THE TOOL that enabled ALL of that to occur; without it they have nothing. So you should be HYPER skeptical of anyone... NOT challenging the PCR and Genetics in any holistic sense, not just to do with viruses." — Jamie Andrews link
Nov 10, 2024 — The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. Both the Lockdown and the “Vaccine” Have No Scientific Basis; “This article was first published on March 21, 2021 focussing on the WHO’s Mea Culpa dated January 20, 2021.” — Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research link
Nov 5, 2024 — A ‘Pandemic’ of Sloppy Covid-19 PCR Testing Produced Countless False Positives and a Highly Inaccurate Picture of the True Number of Cases; A Scientific Explanation of the Fraud of RT-PCR Testing for Covid-19 — Corinne Michels, Behind the FDA Curtain link
Sep 18, 2024 — PCR Tests Do Not Work; “A US Army Sergeant Laboratory Technician blew the whistle about the flaws in the covid-19 PCR tests, [explaining] the high false positive rate resulting from running the test at high cycle thresholds mandated by the CDC; furthermore, the PCR test cannot identify any specific pathogen as it is only testing for a part of a genetic sequence and not the whole genome; these manipulated tests resulted in an inflated number of covid-19 cases and many deaths were labelled as died ‘with’ covid as a result of these tests regardless of the actual cause of death; the ‘pandemic’ was based on these false positive tests.” — Rhoda Wilson The Expose link
Jan 23, 2024 — The ‘Re-Education’ of New Zealand Medical Doctors; “The Ministry of Health provided the carrot, incentivising compliance by funding doctors to both diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infection and to inject Pfizer’s BNT162b2 gene therapy into their arms, and the MCNZ provided the stick, by roundup… From 2021 onwards dozens of doctors were investigated, many were put in front of an MCNZ tribunals and many doctors were harassed.” — J.R. Bruning, Brownstone Institute link
Apr 27, 2023 — Doctors Were Bribed for Covid Vaccination Coercion; "$100 billion was earmarked for hospitals and local health centers that treated Covid patients. Hospitals were reimbursed an extra 20% for each Medicare patient hospitalized with Covid, and the only criteria to receive that bonus was a Covid-positive PCR test." — Dr. Joseph Mercola link
Oct 31, 2022 — Peer-Reviewed Study Confirms Fatal Flaw in PCR Testing: 42% False Discovery Rate for SARS-CoV-2 nonQ-RT-PCR Test. This means Covid-19 Vaccine Outcomes Rate Data are Unreliable and Invalid — James Lyons-Weiler link
Apr 25, 2022 — Mass Testing: The Fatal Conceit — Yuri Biondi, The Pulse link
Apr 6, 2022 — Bombshell: CDC No Longer Recognizes the PCR Test As a Valid Method for Detecting “Confirmed Covid-19 Cases”? As of January 1, 2022, the CDC in a request to the FDA withdraws its endorsement of the RT-PCR test. — Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research link
Mar 12, 2022 — Did Flawed PCR Tests Convince us Covid was Worse than it Really Was? Britain’s entire response was based on results – but one scientist says they should have been axed a year ago — Jo Macfarlane, The Daily Mail link
Feb 28, 2022 — Poison centers around the country sound alarm on chemical in some Covid-19 at-home tests — Terry DeMio, USA TODAY link
Jan 31, 2022 — How U.S. Covid Testing Strategy Will Extend Pandemic Nightmare — Dr. Madhava Setty MD link
Dec 15, 2021 — The 5 Signs You Don’t Have “Omicron”…You Have a Cold & a PCR Test — Kit Knightly, Off Guardian link
Oct 7, 2021 — PCR Tests Made Easy; "Genetic material such as DNA and RNA are typically present in such minute amounts that we cannot detect their presence with typical tests. It would be like trying to see a bacterial cell with our naked eye – we simply cannot do it and need to magnify the cell hundreds of times with a light microscope. So to be able to detect genetic material we need to massively amplify it, not just hundreds of times, but sometimes billions of times. And this is where the PCR comes in handy. The PCR can amplify a selected sequence (a “piece”) of DNA, over and over again... until it reaches quantities that we are able to detect... The PCR does not detect a virus, an infection, or an unwell person – it only detects genetic fragments." — Dr. Sam Bailey link
Aug 3, 2021 — Repeat After Me: “The PCR Tests Don’t Work!” — Catte Black, Off Guardian link
May 19, 2021 — Manitoba Government Chief Microbiologist: 56% of positive “cases” are not infectious, but products of misleading RT-PCR tests — Covid Call to Humanity link
Apr 11, 2021 — Laboratories in US Can’t Find Covid-19 in One of 1,500 Positive Tests — Global Research link
Mar 27, 2021 — “Making Something Out of Nothing”: PCR Tests, CT Values and False Positives — Niels Harrit PhD, Off Guardian link
Mar 21, 2021 — The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. Both the Lockdown and the “Vaccine” Have No Scientific Basis — Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research link
Jan 25, 2021 — WHO (Finally) Admits PCR Test is Potentially Flawed; Second PCR memo in two months casts even more doubt on the “gold standard” of Covid diagnosis — OffGuardian link
Dec 18, 2020 — WHO (Finally) Admits PCR Tests Create False Positives — Kit Knightly, OffGuardian link
Nov 27, 2020 — External Peer Review of the RTPCR Test to Detect SARS-CoV-2 Reveals 10 Major Scientific Flaws at the Molecular and Methodological Level: Consequences for False Positive Results; “If someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the case in most laboratories in Europe & the US), the probability that said person is actually infected is less than 3%, the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.” — Pieter Borger et al, ResearchGate link and link
Nov 11, 2020 — A Portuguese Court Ruled that PCR Tests were “Unreliable” and Should Not be Used for Diagnosis — Kit Knightly, OffGuardian & Judgment of the Lisbon Court of Appeal link and link
Oct 5, 2020 — PCR Inventor: “It Doesn’t Tell You That You are Sick”; The MSM have been going all out trying to pretend this never happened, turns out it did — David James, OffGuardian link
Sep 5, 2020 — Australian Govt’s Own Website Admits Covid Tests are Totally Unreliable; Therapeutic Goods Administration, a Government Office, Claims there is “Little Evidence” to Assess “Clinical Utility” of PCR or Blood Tests— David James, OffGuardian link
Sep 3, 2020 — New York Times: More experts questioning RT-PCR testing — Covid Call to Humanity link
Jul 5, 2020 — RT-PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless — Covid Call to Humanity link
Jun 27, 2020 — Covid19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless — Torsten Engelbrecht & Konstantin Demeter, OffGuardian link
May 4, 2020 — Coronavirus: Tanzania Testing Kits Questioned after Goat and Papaya Test Positive — Sky News link
May 3, 2020 — Coronavirus Test Kits Used in Tanzania were Dismissed as Faulty by President John Magufuli on Sunday, because he said They had Returned Positive Results on Samples taken from a Goat and a Pawpaw. — Reuters link
May 3, 2020 — Tanzanian President Sees ‘Sabotage’ as Papaya, Quail and Goat Test Positive for Coronavirus; Mr Magufuli said that people who tested positive for the virus may not be sick, and cast doubt on the credibility of laboratory equipment and technicians. He said he had secretly had a variety of animals, fruits and vehicle oil tested at the laboratory. According to Mr Magufuli, a papaya, a quail and a goat tested positive and he suspects a ‘dirty game’ in the laboratory.” — The Straits Times link
May 2, 2020 — How the UK’s Testing Policy Makes Their Covid19 Numbers Meaningless — Kit Knightly link
Apr 29, 2020 — Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be; The usual diagnostic tests may simply be too sensitive and too slow to contain the spread of the virus — Apoorva Mandavilli, The New York Times link
Apr 15, 2020 — Has Covid-19 Testing Made the Problem Worse? — Kevin Ryan, OffGuardian link
Apr 7, 2020 — Was the Covid-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus? The Corona Simulation Machine: Why the Inventor of The “Corona Test” Would Have Warned Us Not To Use It To Detect A Virus — Celia Farber, UncoverDC.com link
Mar 26, 2020 — Stability Issues of RT-PCR Testing of SARS-CoV-2 for Hospitalized Patients Clinically Diagnosed with Covid-19; “We found that the RT-PCR results from several tests at different points were variable from the same patients during the course of diagnosis and treatment of these patients.” —Yafang Li, et al, Journal of Medical Virology (Wiley) link
Mar 5, 2020 — Potential False-Positive Rate Among the ‘Asymptomatic Infected Individuals’ in Close Contacts of Covid-19 Patients — Zhuang GH, et al, PubMed (NIH) [Internet Archive Wayback Machine] link
Jan 22, 2007 — Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t — Gina Kolata, The New York Times link
Context: Organized Curation
This article is part of a vast resource curation on Covid-related data integrity issues. See here for the entire collation, or select links below to focus on an individual subject.
PCR — PCR testing was fraudulently used for diagnosis, case counts and projections.
Covid Vaccine Safety — Data on Covid injection safety was censored, biased, manipulated, and corrupted.
Censorship & Targeting of Individuals — Professionals and others who questioned authorized narratives or spoke unauthorized truths were censored, suppressed, disparaged, and harrassed.
Other Integrity Issues with Official Reports — Data and official narratives were manipulated, biased and corrupted. This curation includes systemic censorship and suppression, whilecensorship and suppression of individuals is shown separately.
Covid-related data integrity issues is part of a vast curation on Covid, Bird Flu and the Pandemic Industrygenerally. See here for the entire collation, or select links below to focus on an individual subject.
Measurement & Data Integrity, Manipulation of Reporting, Narrative Management, Suppression, Censorship — Data integrity and measurement issues; misinformation, manipulation and censorship of research and whistleblower testimony. Get quick links to more than 700 references, organized in date order. Includes separate categories focused on: PCR, Covid Vaccine Safety, Censorhip & Targeting of Individuals, and Other Integrity Issues.
Covid Injections / Vaccines — Information on injections (mRNA “vaccines”) and corruption around their development and use. Get quick links to more than 1,600 references, organized in date order. Includes separate categories focused on: Heart Issues, Cancer, Sudden Deaths, and More Harms.
Covid-19 Policies & Protocols: Public Health Failure & Harm — Get quick links to more than 950 references, organized in date order, plus separate categories focused on: The Failure of Government-Defined Medical Policies & Protocols, Disregard for Effective, Safe Treatments & Preventions Strategies, Disparagment & Blocking Access to Safe Options, and Excessive Pressure to Obtain Compliance.
Natural Immunity + Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory — Assumptions built into responses to Covid regarding the immune system in health, disease and recovery. Get quick links to more than 30 references that offer vital information for making informed decisions regarding health and treatments.
Beyond Germs: Examining Causes for Illness — Simple, clear summary of key points from research on contagion, flu and infections. Includes extensive evidence connecting electro-smog to illness outbreaks.
The Pandemic Industry & Virus X: Bird Flu, Mpox, Killing Animals, Taking Over Food Supply — Get an overview of key considerations, insights into the Pandemic Industry Playbook, and quick links to more than 200 references, organized in date order.
Whistleblowers (Professionals) — Professionals who have served as whistleblowers by publicly testifying to issues with policy, protocols, mandates, injections or data integrity related to Covid or other Pandemic Industry agendas. Alphabetized list with quick links to the testimony of more than 800 professionals.
Sources & Resources — Summary list of all references cited within this multi-part section, with quick links to 3,723 sources alphabetized by author.